CMYK stands for cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (black) and it is the color model used for color printing. In theory,when cyan, magenta, and yellow are mixed together evenly, they should create black. But the truth is that is practice, they do not; so black is added into the model.
The piece above falls into the genre "Pop Art". Pop Art is art based on modern popular culture (pop culture). It is widely used in mass media. It is different from traditional art in that "material is sometimes visually removed from its known context, isolated, and/or combined with unrelated material" (
Monday, November 4, 2013
Monday, October 21, 2013
Friday, September 27, 2013
Typeface for Blog Header
1. Amadeus Regular - Display
2. Copse - Slab Serif
3. DISCO - Sans Serif 4. Elsie - Serif
5. Windsong - Script
6. ShangriLaNF - Serif
7.Spicy Rice - Display
If I were to choose one of the seven fonts above for the header of my blog, I would have to go with Elsie. It is a simple and easy to read typeface, therefore it looks professional. The first typeface, Amadeus, for example, is far to complicated and is excessive design-wise for my purpose, though I do like it. DISCO was a close second, but it was too plain. Elsie, while simple, has a little something extra. Its serifs and tails have a curl to them, but said curls are not horribly exaggerated and don't obscure the legibility of my name.
The curls also bring me joy on a more personal level because I have curly hair.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Maybe I'll redo the video in ToonBoom Studio or something. Meh.
Bacon Cheeseburger
The Headphone Geisha
This piece was originally drawn by hand with a 0.5 mechanical pencil, and then scanned onto a computer and finally rendered with PhotoShop CS5.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
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